A non-refundable, yearly registration fee is required for all classes. Family rate is for siblings only, not extended family.
Per Student
Per Family
1 = $76
2 = $124
3 = $156
4 = $176
5 = $195
6 = $216
7 = $238
8 = $256
9 = $288
10 = $320
UNLIMITED TUITION RATE $190 per month per student
Unlimited classes are available for students in Ballet 2 and higher.
In order to receive this rate, students must be attending regular Ballet classes as their primary choice of dance and then take additional classes in other styles. Tuition for Unlimited Students remains the same for all months.
Summer tuition rates are based on a single payment for the entire 6-week session. There is NO REGISTRATION FEE for Summer classes.
1 = $110
2 = $198
3 = $252
4 = $288
5 = $315
Private lessons are 45 minutes in any style requested. You may also request a specific teacher or train with whoever is available.
Pay Per Lesson = $40 per 45 minute lesson
In fairness to all students, there will be no exceptions to the following tuition policy.
1. Monthly tuition is due the 1st of each month and is late after the 15th.
2. A $10.00 late charge will be automatically added to your tuition if payment has not been received by the 15th of the month.
3. Tuition is required each month, regardless of attendance, unless a student drops the class and informs the office. Tuition reserves your place in class. The registration fee must be paid again if there is a need to re-enroll.
4. Tuition paid for one month may not be carried over as credit into future months even if classes are missed and not made up. The studio is closed for the following Holidays: Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break, Spring Break and Memorial Weekend. Monthly tuition remains the same. Students are offered make-up classes for those classes missed.
5. Make-up classes are at the student’s responsibility and must be taken within 30 days of a student’s return to class. Make-up classes are for registered students only and are not transferable. Make-up classes may only be taken in classes that the student is not already enrolled in.
6. Pay by credit card or Apple Pay at the front desk, and if paying with cash, be sure to get a receipt.
7. A $40 costume deposit is due with your November tuition. This deposit will be deducted off of the final amount of your dancer’s costume. No costume will be ordered without a paid costume deposit. Costumes will not be released to the dancer until your entire account (including final costume balance & Sept-June tuition balances) are paid in full.